Type |
Changes |
By |
Set version to 1.0.0 |
ste-gr |
Add "release"-profile |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-source-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-gpg-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Mono-module-configuration for "site-deploy" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-scm-publish-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Site-documentation: add new menu and reformat "site.xml" |
ste-gr |
Add "changes.xml" documentation |
ste-gr |
Add "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt" to jar-files |
ste-gr |
Add "bnd-maven-plugin" for OSGi-informations |
ste-gr |
Add missing license-definition to "pom.xml" |
ste-gr |
Bump "junit" 4.7 to "junit-jupiter-api" 5.10.1 |
ste-gr |
Change Artifact-Id to "tiles-request-jakarta-servlet" and version to 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-release-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-install-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-deploy-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-clean-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-assembly-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-antrun-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Resolve "PMD" and "Checkstyle" warnings |
ste-gr |
Resolve all JavaDoc-warnings |
ste-gr |
Remove not needed aggregate-reports |
ste-gr |
Set better JavaDoc-options |
ste-gr |
Add Homepage-URL |
ste-gr |
Enforce minimum MAVEN-Version from 3.6.3 to 3.8.1 |
ste-gr |
Define own "slf4j"-version |
ste-gr |
Reformat JavaDocs |
ste-gr |
Resolve JDK-warnings |
ste-gr |
Add site-documentation |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-resources-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Enforce minimum JDK from 8 to 9 |
ste-gr |
Correct "module-info.java" |
ste-gr |
Add multi-release-compiling for JDK8 and JDK9 |
ste-gr |
Remove "Automatic-Module-Name" because existing "module-info.java" |
ste-gr |
Remove "japicmp-maven-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Add "maven-site-plugin" |
ste-gr |
Bump "jacoco-maven-plugin" from 0.8.10 to 0.8.11 |
ste-gr |
Bump "spotbugs" from 4.7.3 to 4.8.1 |
ste-gr |
Bump "spotbugs-maven-plugin" from to |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-surefire-plugin" 3.0.0 and
"maven-surefire-report-plugin" 3.1.2 to 3.2.2 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-project-info-reports-plugin" from 3.4.3 to 3.4.5 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-pmd-plugin" from 3.20.0 to 3.21.2 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-javadoc-plugin" from 3.5.0 to 3.6.2 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-enforcer-plugin" from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-dependency-plugin" from 3.5.0 to 3.6.1 |
ste-gr |
Bump "checkstyle" from 10.12.3 to 10.12.4 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-checkstyle-plugin" from 3.2.2 to 3.3.1 |
ste-gr |
Bump "easymock" from 5.1.0 to 5.2.0 |
ste-gr |
Add more informations to "pom.xml" |
ste-gr |
Adapt XML header in "checkstyle.xml" and "pom.xml" |
ste-gr |
Replace Copyrights in sources to current Apache-2.0-version |
ste-gr |
Add "NotAServletEnvironmentException" to replace dependency
"tiles-request-servlet" with "tiles-request-api" |
ste-gr |
Replace tabs with spaces and make right-trim |
ste-gr |
Rename packages from "io.github.weblegacy.tiles.request.servlet"
to "org.apache.tiles.request.jakarta.servlet" |
ste-gr |
Change "license-header.txt" and "NOTICE.txt" |
ste-gr |
delete "bin"-directory |
ste-gr |
Change ".gitignore" |
ste-gr |
Add "README.md" |
ste-gr |
Add "CHANGELOG.md" |
ste-gr |
added some documentation and additional checkstyle fixes |
lukamalovic |
some checkstyle fixes |
lukamalovic |
added analysis maven dependencies |
lukamalovic |
Initial commit --> copy "tiles-request/tiles-request-servlet" and adapt to jakarta-namespace. |
jo_kl |