Class ForwardConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class ForwardConfig extends BaseConfig

A JavaBean representing the configuration information of a <forward> element from a Struts configuration file.

Struts 1.1
$Rev$ $Date: 2005-08-14 17:24:39 -0400 (Sun, 14 Aug 2005) $
See Also:
  • Field Details Link icon

    • inherit Link icon

      protected String inherit
      The name of the ForwardConfig that this object should inherit properties from.
    • extensionProcessed Link icon

      protected boolean extensionProcessed
      Have the inheritance values for this class been applied?
    • name Link icon

      protected String name
      The unique identifier of this forward, which is used to reference it in Action classes.
    • path Link icon

      protected String path

      The URL to which this ForwardConfig entry points, which must start with a slash ("/") character. It is interpreted according to the following rules:

      • If contextRelative property is true, the path is considered to be context-relative within the current web application (even if we are in a named module). It will be prefixed by the context path to create a server-relative URL.
      • If the contextRelative property is false, the path is considered to be the module-relative portion of the URL. It will be used as the replacement for the $P marker in the forwardPattern property defined on the ControllerConfig element for our current module. For the default forwardPattern value of $C$M$P, the resulting server-relative URL will be the concatenation of the context path, the module prefix, and the path from this ForwardConfig.
    • module Link icon

      protected String module

      The prefix of the module to which this ForwardConfig entry points, which must start with a slash ("/") character.

      Usage note: If a forward config is used in a hyperlink, and a module is specified, the path must lead to another action and not directly to a page. This is in keeping with rule that in a modular application all links must be to an action rather than a page.

    • redirect Link icon

      protected boolean redirect
      Should a redirect be used to transfer control to the specified path?
    • command Link icon

      protected String command

      The name of a commons-chain command which should be looked up and executed before Struts dispatches control to the view represented by this config.

    • catalog Link icon

      protected String catalog

      The name of a commons-chain catalog in which command should be looked up. If this value is undefined, then the command will be looked up in the "default" catalog. This value has no meaning except in the context of the command property.

  • Constructor Details Link icon

    • ForwardConfig Link icon

      public ForwardConfig()
      Construct a new instance with default values.
    • ForwardConfig Link icon

      public ForwardConfig(String name, String path, boolean redirect)
      Construct a new instance with the specified values.
      name - Name of this forward
      path - Path to which control should be forwarded or redirected
      redirect - Should we do a redirect?
    • ForwardConfig Link icon

      public ForwardConfig(String name, String path, boolean redirect, String module)

      Construct a new instance with the specified values.

      name - Name of this forward
      path - Path to which control should be forwarded or redirected
      redirect - Should we do a redirect?
      module - Module prefix, if any
    • ForwardConfig Link icon

      public ForwardConfig(ForwardConfig copyMe)

      Construct a new instance based on the values of another ForwardConfig.

      copyMe - A ForwardConfig instance to copy
      Struts 1.3.6
  • Method Details Link icon