Type |
Changes |
By |
Bump "tlddoc" from 1.4-SNAPSHOT to 1.4 |
ste-gr |
Unescape HTML in tag-description-list when parse-html is on. |
ste-gr |
A few embellishments to the Tag-Reference-Report |
ste-gr |
Typo in properties |
ste-gr |
Use varargs for "MessageFormat.format" |
ste-gr |
Lint markdown-files |
ste-gr |
Some Report-corrections |
ste-gr |
JDK8: Use For-Each-Loops |
ste-gr |
Bump "jdom" (new "jdom2") from 2.0.2 to |
ste-gr |
Bump "plexus-archiver" from 4.2.7 to 4.4.0 |
ste-gr |
Bump "spotbugs-maven-plugin" from to |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-surefire-plugin" from 3.0.0-M6 to 3.0.0-M7 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-release-plugin" from 3.0.0-M5 to 3.0.0-M6 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-pmd-plugin" from 3.16.0 to 3.17.0 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-enforcer-plugin" from 3.0.0 to 3.1.0 |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-plugins" from 3.8.5 to 3.8.6 |
ste-gr |
Set reporting-output-encoding to UTF-8 |
ste-gr |
Upgrade to "doxia.xhtml5" |
ste-gr |
Correct FAQs |
ste-gr |
Bump "maven-assembly-plugin" from 3.3.0 to 3.4.1 |
ste-gr |
Correct some SpotBugs |
ste-gr |
Remove unused resources |
ste-gr |
Add "compareTo", "equals" and "hashCode" to checker-classes |
ste-gr |
Change distribution to central-repo |
ste-gr |
Add new profile "release" to deploy to central-repo |
ste-gr |
Update copyright |
ste-gr |
Update configs for "license-maven-plugin" and add "build-helper-maven-plugin" to get current year |
ste-gr |
Add new profile "assembly" to generate assemblies |
ste-gr |
Change group-id from "net.sourceforge.maven-taglib" to "io.github.weblegacy" |
ste-gr |
Use new "io.github.weblegacy:tlddoc" dependency |
ste-gr |
Remove all compiler-warnings |
ste-gr |
Remove unnecessary setters in TagreferenceMojo |
ste-gr |
Remove PMD-Warnings and exclude generated classes form PMD-report |
ste-gr |
Use parameter locale for generating localized reports |
ste-gr |
Add/remove dependencies because Dependency Analysis |
ste-gr |
Upgrade from commons-lang to commons-lang3 |
ste-gr |
Update site.xml |
ste-gr |
Remove double used template info at tld1_1-tld1_2.xsl |
ste-gr |
Small POM-changes: license-name, remove property, configurations for javadoc- and compiler-plugin |
ste-gr |
Add plugins/reports: checkstyle, dependency, gpg, pmd, release, scm-publish, spotbugs |
ste-gr |
Set new home-url |
ste-gr |
Bump tlddoc from 1.3 to 1.4-SNAPSHOT |
ste-gr |
Bump maven-reporting-impl from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0-M1 |
ste-gr |
Bump maven-project-info-reports-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0 |
ste-gr |
Bump license-maven-plugin from 4.1 to 4.2.rc3 |
ste-gr |
Use current web-jsptaglibrary*.dtd from jboss-project |
ste-gr |
Adaption for JDK 9+ |
ste-gr |
Add links for JavaDoc |
ste-gr |
Workaround MJAVADOC-700 |
ste-gr |
Generate JavaDoc/JXR-Report without duplicate execution |
ste-gr |
Add/Correct JavaDocs to remove JavaDoc-Generation-Errors and Warnings |
ste-gr |
Bump maven-site-plugin from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 |
ste-gr |
Bump maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 |
ste-gr |
Remove closeReport in TagreferenceMojo |
ste-gr |
Some Code-optimization in TagreferenceRenderer |
ste-gr |