All Classes and Interfaces

Implementation of Map for session attributes with a parameter-provider.
A Catalog is a collection of named Commands (or Chains) that can be used to retrieve the set of commands that should be performed based on a symbolic identifier.
Simple in-memory implementation of Catalog.
A CatalogFactory is a class used to store and retrieve Catalogs.
A simple implementation of CatalogFactory.
A Chain represents a configured list of Commands that will be executed in order to perform processing on a specified Context.
Convenience base class for Chain implementations.
ServletContextListener that automatically scans chain configuration files in the current web application at startup time, and exposes the result in a Catalog under a specified servlet context attribute.
ServletContextListener that automatically scans chain configuration files in the current web application at startup time, and exposes the result in a Catalog under a specified servlet context attribute.
Custom subclass of ChainServlet that also dispatches incoming requests to a configurable Command loaded from the specified Catalog.
Custom subclass of ChainServlet that also dispatches incoming requests to a configurable Command loaded from the specified Catalog.
Servlet that automatically scans chain configuration files in the current web application at startup time, and exposes the result in a Catalog under a specified servlet context attribute.
Servlet that automatically scans chain configuration files in the current web application at startup time, and exposes the result in a Catalog under a specified servlet context attribute.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
A Command encapsulates a unit of processing work to be performed, whose purpose is to examine and/or modify the state of a transaction that is represented by a Context.
Class to parse the contents of an XML configuration file (using Commons Digester) that defines and configures commands and command chains to be registered in a Catalog.
Digester RuleSet for configuring Chain of Responsibility command chains, and adding them to an appropriate Catalog.
A Context represents the state information that is accessed and manipulated by the execution of a Command or a Chain.
Convenience base class for Context implementations.
Implementation of Map for cookies with a parameter-provider.
Implementation of Map for cookies with a parameter-provider.
Copy a specified literal value, or a context attribute stored under the fromKey (if any), to the toKey.
An abstract base command which uses introspection to look up a method to execute.
This command combines elements of the LookupCommand with the DispatchCommand.
Concrete implementation of GetLocaleCommand for the JavaServer Faces API.
Concrete implementation of GetLocaleCommand for the JavaServer Faces API.
Concrete implementation of SetLocaleCommand for the JavaServer Faces API.
Concrete implementation of SetLocaleCommand for the JavaServer Faces API.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in JavaServer Faces apps.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in JavaServer Faces apps.
A Filter is a specialized Command that also expects the Chain that is executing it to call the postprocess() method if it called the execute() method.
Base Command implementation for retrieving the requested Locale from our Context, and storing it under the context attribute key returned by the localeKey property.
Base Command implementation for retrieving the requested Locale from our Context, and storing it under the context attribute key returned by the localeKey property.
Look up a specified Command (which could also be a Chain) in a Catalog, and delegate execution to it.
Map.Entry implementation that can be constructed to either be read-only or not.
Implementation of Map for mutable parameters with a parameter-provider.
Implementation of Map for immutable parameters with a parameter-provider.
Implementation of Map for immutable parameter name-values with a parameter-provider.
Command that uses the "path info" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Command that uses the "path info" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Concrete implementation of GetLocaleCommand for the Portlet API.
Concrete implementation of SetLocaleCommand for the Portlet API.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in portlets.
Remove any context attribute stored under the fromKey.
Command that uses a specified request parameter to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Command that uses a specified request parameter to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Concrete implementation of GetLocaleCommand for the Servlet API.
Concrete implementation of GetLocaleCommand for the Servlet API.
Command that uses the "servlet path" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Command that uses the "servlet path" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog, and execute it.
Concrete implementation of SetLocaleCommand for the Servlet API.
Concrete implementation of SetLocaleCommand for the Servlet API.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in Servlets and JSP pages.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in Servlets and JSP pages.
Base Command implementation for setting the response locale for this response to the Locale stored under the context attribute key returned by the localeKey property.
Base Command implementation for setting the response locale for this response to the Locale stored under the context attribute key returned by the localeKey property.
Extended Context that provides web based applications that use it a "generic" view of HTTP related requests and responses, without tying the application to a particular underlying Java API (such as servlets).
Extended Context that provides web based applications that use it a "generic" view of HTTP related requests and responses, without tying the application to a particular underlying Java API (such as servlets).